Build your wealth by keeping your dollars working 24/7. This simple strategy can save thousands of dollars of interest. Banks have been using this strategy for years. They help their best clients use it. Learn how to safely use a line of credit and use your banks money to help you achieve your dreams. CashMap shows you what to do and how to do it. You create your personal scenario and CashMap shows you what your financial picture can be over the next 15 years. See for yourself! Watch the YouTube video, Accelerate Paying Off Any Loan at You’ll save thousands of dollars in interest, pay off your loans faster and boost your savings by following these simple steps.1. Take withdrawals from your line of credit and make additional payments to your loan. 2. Move your income into your line of credit. You will be using your income refinancing your loan at a ridiculously low-interest rate. 3. Minimize your interest cost by paying your expenses from your line of credit at the end of your line of credits billing cycle. 4. CashMap Pro tells you when to take additional withdrawals from your Line of Credit and make additional loan payments.Use CashMap Pro and create your personalized scenario using the following five CashMaps.• Optimize Your Average Daily Balance – Optimize your average daily balance and earn more in savings and pay less in interest.• Utilize Your Positive Cash Flow – Project your future income, savings, and changes in your monthly expenses.• Maximize Your Savings – Create your emergency fund goal, choose the interest rate you’ll earn on your savings, and how youll save each month. Immediately see how much youll save over the next 15 years. • Accelerate Your Loan – Choose a loan, see how quickly you can pay it off savings thousands in interest and boosting your savings. • Refinance Your Mortgage – Consolidate your debt, choose the interest rate and the amortization period. See how much can save in interest and boost your savings. Each section creates detailed results that you can save and compare against other scenarios you create. You now have the detail necessary to make your plan come to life. Watch CashMap Pros Quick Start User Guide on YouTube at InformationPurchase a one-month, three-month, six-month, or one-year auto-renewing subscription (cancel anytime), or unlock the full version with a one-time purchase (best value).Try before you buy – first time subscribers start with a free trial period. Cancel any time before the trial ends and you pay nothing.For terms of use and privacy policy, visit: